Brilliant photo quality, high UV protection, resistance to abrasion, moisture-resistant and temperature resistant with short production cycles: in-mould labeling offers, without question, one of the most innovating printing methods, superior by far to conventional printing methods. Labels that won’t peel off, turn yellow or be removed. During production, molten plastic adheres onto the label to form an inseparable unit, thus enabling the permanent
In-mould labeling: Outstanding product enhancement
placement of brand messages and the design of sophisticated surfaces. And that’s not all. Since IML printed products are surprisingly cost-efficient due to their beneficial integration into the manufacturing process; the label itself is fully recyclable. In mould labeling perfected to an art that enhances cases and boxes with individual and photorealistic designs: Available to you now on request.
In-mould decoration: The power of images
Brands are much more than a company name, a logo or a selected product range. A good brand conveys emotions, a certain attitude towards life and finds itself associated with a specific reputation. Therefore, brand communication comprises a central element of any marketing strategy. And exactly at this moment, the communication of images comes into play.
Images depict the emotional climate of brands, bridge consumer perceptions and create the incentive to purchase. The in-mould method promotes the opportunity to directly trigger your customers’ subconscious thoughts. Our high-quality and colour-intense prints provide you numerous options. Feel free to contact us!
In-mould labeling at a glance
Enhanced sales success by means of emotional imagery
Custom and versatile design options
Precise placement of advertising slogans
Longevity thanks to protection against abrasion and UV radiation
Shorter production intervals through automation process
Cost-efficiency through economic production process
Moisture and temperature resistant
IML colours & case colours
IML labels are manufactured using a 4c offset method, i.e. a label printing method which offers case colour coordination. Printable surface dimensions are based primarily on case size. For example, the innovative TWIST case offers a design which, by far, provides the largest printing surface perfectly suited for total surface imaging. For further dimensions and labeling options regarding
placement of brand messages and the design of sophisticated surfaces. And that’s not all. Since IML printed products are surprisingly cost-efficient due to their beneficial integration into the manufacturing process; the label itself is fully recyclable.